Magyk is written by Angie Sage. Throughout this book a girl named Jena is running away from an assassin with her older brother, dog, dad, and the extraordinary wizard. The plot thickens when the assassin finds their trail.
This book is about adventurous team made up of a working family of wizards, creatures, and some humans. The reason I say adventurous is because they go through a lot to get Jena, the main character to her Aunt Zelda’s house safely. In the book they all show a lot of teamwork to help Jena out. Jena’s parent’s also show a lot of love and care for her.
It is very hard for me to say my favorite part. One of my personal favorite parts is when they find the thousand year old dragon boat. Just the way Angie explains what the boat looks like you’ll probably imagine the most beautiful boat you’d ever think of. The boat is found by the characters Jena, Jena’s older brother and Boy 412. That’s what my favorite part is.
This book does have a lot of unexpected parts in it. My least favorite part is when the assassin’s assistant shoots the Bogart. In this book the Bogart is a kind and generous creature. The Bogart was my favorite character.
In my opinion this book was enjoyable and left me wanting more. I am looking forward to reading the other six books in this series. I would recommend this book to pre-teens and adolescents interested in magic and adventure.